
Nikah (Matrimonial)

Booking a Nikah
Nikah should booked 10 days prior to the planned date.

Instructions / Information

1. To book a Nikah please contact Mawlana Abdullah via 07872590307 to confirm a date. Please call during the weekend or between 8pm – 10pm during weekdays.

2. Collect and complete the Nikah Form. The Nikah Form must be completed in CAPITAL LETTERS

3. The completed Nikah Form, fees and the required documents must be submitted to Brother Hashim. This must be handed in 8 days prior to the Nikah ceremony.

4. Nikah Certificates will only be issued by the Masjid after the original Registry Office Marriage Certificate is produced.

5. To avoid delays, please ensure you follow procedures carefully and provide accurate information.

6. The Nikah Organisers reserve the right to refuse Nikah without reason on behalf of Jame Masjid.

We pray that the Almighty grants Barakah in this Union and makes it a means of Joy and Happiness for both the Families.

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